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A bouquet of beautiful dried flowers brimming with golden hues of browns and soft morning yellows.


This bouquet comes with flowers collected from the best flower growers, showcasing their beauty and longevity and can be a wonderful way to add vibrance and warmth into your home or as a gift for your loved ones.


In this bouquet you can find shades of yellow, earthy browns and deep greens.


The flowers in our collection gracefully shift and transform with the seasons. This is why every bouquet is a unique work of art and some materials may vary from the images shown.


Dried flowers will last forever with a bit of care. Simply keep your flowers in a dry area and out of direct sunlight. Handle them gently and dust them from time to time in order to maintain their beauty.


Photos by: 
@magicarrowphotography and @niakovacevphotography

Golden Honey Bouquet

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